Squid Seafood Snack Sweet & Spicy Flavour (Squid Mixed Surimi)

Bento Seafood Snack Squid Flavor Hot Spicy Thai snack Delicious

Squid Seafood Snack Sweet & Spicy Flavour (Squid Mixed Surimi)

Squid Seafood Snack Sweet & Spicy Flavour (Squid Mixed Surimi) (Bento Brand)

Introduction : Bento Squid Seafood Snack are 5 verieties create to date.

  1. Swet and Splicy (Red package)
  2. Namprik Thai Original (Orange Package)
  3. Super Splicy Seafood (Green Package)
  4. Hot and Splicy (Blue Package)
  5. Splicy Larb (Yellow Package)

Rating Taste = ★★★☆☆

  • Splicy = ★★★☆☆
  • Sweet = ★★★☆☆
  • Salty = ★★★☆☆
  • Sour = ★★★☆☆

Quantity = ★★★☆☆

Package Size = ★★★★☆

Nutrition Facts

Calories 15 Kilocalories (*1%)

Sugars 1 gram (*2%)

Fats 0 gram (*0%)

Sodium 100 milligram (*4%)


Squid (45.00%)

Surimi (40.00%)

Wheat Flour (5.00%)

Tapioca Starch (4.00%)

Herb, Splice and Seasoning (3.50%)

Sugar (2.00%)

Salt (0.50%)

Halal certified



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Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
Tasty Taste
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